Offices and business environment

Our offices are the heart of our platform

Main office of Selwix company in London.

The headquarters of our company is located in the center of the capital of Great Britain - London. It is situated in a very convenient place for business communications at 5 Saint Bride Street.


On the ground floor, there is a spacious lobby-reception area with a reception zone and a huge presentation screen. Thanks to the impressive size of the hall, we often use it, including for corporate events.


Adjacent to the hall are several zones used for various business meetings and negotiations, including online ones. In the left wing of the ground floor, there are offices of top managers of our company.


Going up the stairs from the hall to the second floor, you enter the main working area of the Selwix office. This open-space space is organized in such a way that every employee can use everything necessary during work. And at the same time, they continue to feel like part of a large, friendly team.

Next to the main working area in our office, there are several different zones for relaxation and communication. In them, from 2 to 10 people can sit down and discuss something without distracting their dialogue from other colleagues.

For group meetings on the second floor, there are 3 separate rooms that are isolated from the general office space and represent small conference rooms. In addition, there are several private rooms for phone and video calls.

A mini-kitchen with a cafeteria is an essential element of any modern office. Here, our employees can not only have a snack and lunch in comfortable conditions but also celebrate any common event or holiday.

In addition, the office also provides modern technological solutions for the convenience of employees. For example, access to wireless Wi-Fi allows working anywhere inside the building and using smartphones, laptops, and tablets without restrictions.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support on Telegram.